We have added "This month" as option to calendar filters. For example you can now create a view which would show all activities whose due date is current month or a rule for goals matching which match all current months activities with a specific goal.
We have added two new views to activities. In addition to list view and board view you can now view activities as calendar and timeline. The timeline view enables you to show activities in monthly and weekly timeline. You can drag and drop activities around or schedule activities for multiple days. It enables you to visually see dependencies between activities. The view also shows all activities without due date which you can easily drag and drop into the timeline.
You can now manage dependencies between activities. By using dependencies you make it visible which activities block other activities or are blocked and so are not actionable yet. You can also optionally automatically move deadlines of blocked activities if the deadline of the blocking activity changes.
We have added two new views to activities. In addition to list view and board view you can now view activities as calendar and timeline. The calendar view enables you to show activities in monthly and weekly view. You can drag and drop activities around or schedule activities for multiple days. The view also shows all activities without due date which you can easily drag and drop into the calendar.
So far you were able to delegate activities inside from one workspace to another inside of your Beenia account. By delegating an activity you create a copy of the original activity and maintain a relationship between the original and the new child activity. The delegate activities can now be sent also to other Beenia accounts you are member of. For example if you collaborate in a workspace of your customer you can delegate the activities that are assigned to you main Beenia account.
Access related goals and meetings in activity detail
In activity detail you can now see how many goals and meetings are related to that activity. By clicking on the statistic you can easily see which meetings and goals are related.
On activities you can now add not only due dates but also start dates. Thats helpful for activities which take multiple days to accomplish. Its also preparation feature for calendar and timeline views planned for 1Q 2025.
When you use the quick search box to search for activities in your Beenia workspaces you can now tell the search field to search also inside of closed activities. After you click on "Show closed activities" you will find also closed activities for your search phrase. Small but requested feature.
The global add button is a neat fast way to create new activities in Beenia. Now also the tag field is available in the new activity creation window. Little but handy feature if you use tags in Beenia.
In activity filters there are now new quick filtering options which dynamically update. So if you set for example the filter for "today" it will every day show the tasks whose deadline is on that day.
We have added a new tag based custom field. It works in similar way as a multiple choice custom field but it enables each user to create new options directly from the task detail.
Add files to new activities via the global create button
When creating a new activity via the global create (plus) button in the left navigation you can now upload or past files to that create activity window. That makes the creation of new activities faster and you don't have to leave the place where you currently work inside of Beenia.
In activity filters there is a new option called "current user". Choosing that it will show the filter replacing the current user option with the user who is currently using the filter. For example if you create a saved filter called "My high prio tasks" using that option, it will show each member of your team their high prio task.
You can now delete multiple activities using mass actions. After you mark multiple activities you will find you will find a delete action in the mass actions menu.
We have massively extended the capabilities of the Beenia integration with HubSpot workflows. It now enables not only to automatically create activities but also goals, meetings, team spaces, member invites and more.
You can now copy or move activities to other Beenia accounts you are a member of. This works for both individual activities or for mass copy / move. In the copy / move dialog you can now choose the destination account.
When creating a copy of any activity you can now set the name of the new activity directly from the copy window. The makes the copying process much faster. Just click on the pencil and set a name for the new activity.
MyView is the area which shows activities from all team spaces which are assigned to you. It is accessible through the box icon in the main navigation. We will be adding new features to this area soon. For now we have updated the design for both the list view and the board view.
In your personal activities view team spaces are now linked with your activities. After clicking on the team space link the same activity will open inside of the team space. Small but handy feature.
Using mass editing you can edit your activities in batches, which can save lot of time. From now on you can use that feature not only to edit your open activities, but the closed activities as well. Just mark multiple activities holding shift and start editing using the mass edit bar.
Mass editing now works also in your personal board view. This saves lot of time by enabling you to edit your inbox of activities in batch and so organise your daily schedules faster.
This is huge. Automatically match activities with goals using rules. So far you had to manually add activities to goals. Now you can set flexible rules which will do the matching for you. Navigate to detail of your goal and in the actions menu click on "Set rules".
Filter your activities and save your filters, so that you don't need to setup your filters again and again. You can give your saved views a name and share them with your team mates. Once saved, you can easily switch between your saved views. This is a huge time saver.
Statistics now look better and are more intuitive. After clicking on each metric in your charts a pop window will show up giving you a quick access to the related activities
In team space settings you can now change the order of custom fields via drag & drop. By doing so you can give custom fields logical or prioritised order, so that it is easier for your team mates to edit them.
Edit custom fields when creating activity via global plus
We have added an option to edit custom fields, when you create new activity via the global plus icon. That way you will save you time by enabling you to enter all needed information in one step.
You can now mass edit activities added to a goal. Click on command and mark multiple activities. After that you can use the mass edit panel to do mass actions like setting deadline, changing assigned, task list and more.
Set custom statuses for activities via team settings
You can now set custom statuses for activities via team settings. Before it was possible via board view which let many users to overlook this feature. Using custom statuses you can customise the work process in your team spaces.
You will now be able to edit custom fields on activities also from your task inbox. Until know it was only possible to edit custom fields from inside of team spaces.
When it comes to deleted items you can now find and restore not only deleted activities but also goals and meetings. The trash bin comes also with a new look and with the option to see detailed view of each deleted item.
You can now create activities in Beenia automatically via HubSpot workflows. Automatically create tasks for demo bookings, deals, application reviews and more.
Until you were able to sort activities in My Todo by drag & drop which is sometimes not very practical if you have long list of activities. Now you can simply switch sections from the activities detail view.
Assign activities to goals and meetings from My View
So far you were just able to add activities to goals and meetings from a team space (former project). Now you can assign activities to goals and meetings also from MyView (former My TODO). The activity needs to be connected with a team space first to enable these options.
If you ever wished to convert an activity into a list with all subactivities becoming main activities, now you can. You will find the option in the context menu in activities detail.
With one click you can now select all activities in any section and use mass edit features to change list, assign goals, assignees and more. Available in all Beenia packages.
The public board received a new design as well. We hope to made it more cleaner and appealing for your external collaborators. Available in all Beenia packages.
We have executed a first stage of Beenia redesign. Activity board now has a whole new look and feel with cover images for activities, resizable detail view and more.
If you activate the collaboration mode for your public boards, your visitors will now have more options to collaborate with you. Among others they now can switch status, close tasks, see closed tasks, attach files and more.
So far you were able to create metric based goals. Now you can create also activity based which measure progress based on the completion of activities assigned to a goal.
You have now multiple options to handle activities which you have connect to your goals. For example change kanban status, switch list, change deadline and more.
You will now have more flexibility when it comes to the look and feel of your boards. You can and choose any color or to add custom image to your project and account backgrounds.
Assign activities to meetings and goals via mass edit
By holding ctrl (PC) or command (Mac) you can select and edit multiple activities at once. We have now add the option to add activities to goals and meetings via this mass edit feature.
Access frequent actions like assigning activity to a meeting or goal, copy, move and other directly on the activity cards without the need to open the detail view.
Keeping your colleagues notified should be easy. On the bottom of any activity you can now make your colleagues to followers and so keeping them notified about changes and comments. Your team mates will now also become automatically follower if they add comment to activity or if they become assignee.
You can now create and track goals inside of Beenia. Once you craete a goal you can start to assign activities to that goal. This makes it easy for your team to tie activities to goals.
If you work on multiple projects doing similar thinks repeatedly you will love this feature. We few clicks you can copy or move an entire list of activities to multiple projects.
What you could already do with entire lists you can now do with individual activities. Copy any activity to one or multiple projects with just a few clicks.
So far you were only able to copy or move one selected activity. You can now select multiple activities and copy or move them to another team space as a mass action.