The Flywheel Board

Visual way to design your growth strategy.
The Beenia Flywheel Board
  • Identify key components of your growth flywheel.

    Define components for each of the seven areas of the flywheel board.
  • Use colours to track status of your components.

    Using colours you can visulize the status of your flywheel components.
  • Build and optimise your flywheel using Beenia.

    Manage creation of the flywheel components inside of Beenia and tie the flywheel components with your growth goals.

Teams around the world get more productive with Beenia.

Grace Lung
“Teams in our social entrepreneurship acceleration program use Beenia to manage their projects and collaborate with mentors!”
Sven Gerlach
"It's hard to overstate how useful Ollie has been to our business. Kudos to the team - I'm speechless."
Benjamin Hein
“We use Beenia to manage our growth hacking process. It allows us to easily tie our activities to goals”
Peter Kalman
“We use Beenia to organize our growth meetings, so that everyone can see which goals we are trying to achieve and how.”
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