When inviting attendees to meetings in Beenia you can now invite also people who don't have a Beenia account. They will receive a calendar invitation which includes also a shareable link to access the agenda of that meeting and the meeting room if enabled.
You can now create shareable collaborative links for meetings you create in Beenia. That enables you to invite also people who don't have a Beenia account and distribute the links prior to meeting, so that optionally the attendees can view and edit the agenda of the meeting. The public view also includes access button to video meeting.
Global add button enables you to quickly create new items in Beenia. You can now use it to easily create new meetings without the need to first navigate to the workspace where the meeting should take place.
MyView is the area the enables you to view and organize activities that are assigned to you from across workspaces. From now on this area enables you to access also your meetings and goals and so having everything you are responsible for in one place.
We have massively extended the capabilities of the Beenia integration with HubSpot workflows. It now enables not only to automatically create activities but also goals, meetings, team spaces, member invites and more.
Get more focused during meeting by using the new full screen view in meetings. In detail view of your meetings click on the presentation icon and enjoy the clutter free more focused design of your meeting agenda.
You can now not only create new activities from your meetings, but also add existing activities to your meetings directly from the meeting interface. Just type the name of the activity into the activities field and you will see existing activities which you can add. That saves time when building your meeting agendas.
When it comes to deleted items you can now find and restore not only deleted activities but also goals and meetings. The trash bin comes also with a new look and with the option to see detailed view of each deleted item.
The meetings have undergone a refreshing transformation, showcasing enhanced clarity and reduced distractions. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and improvements to this app in the coming weeks.
We have launched a new version of Beenia calling. Besides nicer design and better performance its has powerful new features like meetings recording, Youtube streaming, call quality settings, embedding streams into websites and more.
Assign activities to goals and meetings from My View
So far you were just able to add activities to goals and meetings from a team space (former project). Now you can assign activities to goals and meetings also from MyView (former My TODO). The activity needs to be connected with a team space first to enable these options.
Assign activities to meetings and goals via mass edit
By holding ctrl (PC) or command (Mac) you can select and edit multiple activities at once. We have now add the option to add activities to goals and meetings via this mass edit feature.