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© Beenia • All rights reserved • Co-founded by Founderscope
Zapier automates your work across 5000+ app integrations, so you can focus on what matters.
By integrating Beenia with Zapier you can automate actions between apps and centralize all your work inside of Beenia. Few of the example use cases are:
Navigate to your user settings inside of Beenia. Scroll down, find the Zapier integration option and enable it.
After you have enabled the Zapier integration copy the Zapier API available to you.
Create new Zap inside of Zapier and choose the Beenia app as the Zap trigger or as the Zap action. In the settings of your action choose the type of the action and under account click on "sign in"
Zapier will ask you add the Zapier API key. Paste the API you have copied from Beenia and click on the continue button. Beenia is now connected to Zapier and you can continue with the setup of your Zap.