Bezplatné a špeciálne ponuky
Partnerské programy
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Funkcie produktu
Bezplatné a špeciálne ponuky
Partnerské programy
Spoločnosť a podpora
© Beenia • Všetky práva vyhradené • Spoluzaložená s Founderscope
This endpoint allows you to retrieve information about goals within the specified team. This information enables you to access data that can be automated later.
After successfully retrieving GTD objects, you will receive response in JSON format with the following information:
"name": "testing goal metric",
"description": "This is metric testing goal.",
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"sortOrder": 363.0,
"parentGoalId": 7850,
"goalType": "METRIC",
"id": 7901,
"state": "OPEN",
"statusId": 0,
"statusName": null,
"teamId": 20500,
"teamName": "Zapier_02",
"ownerId": 13450,
"ownerName": "Black Jane",
"createdAt": "2023-09-18T12:10:19.444Z",
"assignee": [
"id": 13450454,
"fullName": "Blue Angelina"
"tenant": 409,
"metric": {
"metricUnit": "kg",
"decimals": 2,
"goalValue": 100.00000,
"value": 0.00000,
"id": 6500,
"goalId": 7901,
"synchronizedValue": false,
"dataSource": null,
"hubspotDataType": null,
"syncDataKey": null,
"lastSyncAt": null,
"status": null
"deleted": false,
"calcNumOpenSubGoals": 0
Description of attributes: